At a Sunday meeting, people will come up and greet you and try to find out if you are studying - if you would like to study etc. They will be friendly and help you find a seat and make sure that you are able to follow along with a tablet - we used to have study magazines and books but now I think it's mostly electronic.
First a song, then a talk. Then another song and then a study of their current magazine article. When they study the article, someone will read a paragraph, the conductor will ask the question for that paragraph and one or two people will raise their hand and be called on to answer. (they don't want to be asked questions by the way so don't raise your hand to get them answered) That goes on until they finish the article. Another song and then it ends.
Then you will probably be asked how you liked it and encouraged to attend more meetings or arrange a study. If you want to escape, just say thanks and that you have to go somewhere at a certain time and you have to leave. Fast.